Navigated simulator for spinal needle interventions

Published in Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR21), 2014

Recommended citation: Chen ECS, Ameri G, Li H, Sondekoppam RV, Ganapathy S, Peters TM, (2014). "Navigated simulator for spinal needle interventions"; in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 196(MMVR-21), pp. 56-60.

We present a navigated simulator for ultrasound-guided spine needle interventions, comprising of an ultrasound scanner, tracking system, surgical instruments, tissue-mimicking spine phantom, and augmented virtuality navigation platform. The ultrasound transducer, spine needle, and spine phantom are magnetically tracked and spatially calibrated, allowing the navigation software to render the surgical scene with streaming ultrasound video in 3D. The spine phantom provides sonoanatomically correct images, with realistic tactile sensation from needle advancement through tissues layers. The combination of a physical phantom and navigation software provides a realistic, inexpensive, and interactive environment for teaching and learning, the latter also having potential as an interventional tool for real-time ultrasound-guided spine needle insertion.

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