Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis with anisotropic scaling


The following matlab code implements an iterative solution to solve the Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis problem with anisotropic weighting. It is taken verbatim from the SPIE MI conference paper by Balachandran and Fitzpatrick [1].

An useful application of this code is optical tracking. It is well-known that the uncertainty in the axis parallel to camera optical axis is greater than the in-plane (perpendicular) undertainty. Hence better tracking may be achieved of lower weight is assigned to the point data in the axis parallel to the camera optical axis (typically the z-axis).

function [R,t,FRE,n] = anisotropic_point_register(X,Y,W,threshold) 
% X is the moving set, which is registered to the static set Y. Both are 3 
% by N, where N is the number of fiducials. W is a 3-by-3-by-N array, with 
% each page containing the weighting matrix for the Nth pair of points. 
% THRESHOLD is the size of the change to the moving set above which the 
% iteration continues. 
% Creation:
% R. Balachandran and J. M. Fitzpatrick 
% December 2008
if nargin<3,error('X and Y must be given as input');end 
if size(X,1)~=3 && size(Y,1)~=3,error('X and Y must be 3 by N.');end 
N = size(X,2);
if size(Y,2)~=N,error('X and Y must have the same number of points.');end 
% Initial estimate of the transformation assumes anisotropy: 
[R,t,FRE] = point_register(X,Y);
if nargin<3 % if W not given, then give the isotropic solution 
    n = 0; return
if nargin<4,threshold = 1e-6;end 
n = 0; % iteration index = 0; 
config_change = Inf; 
Xold = R*X+repmat(t,1,N); 
while (config_change>threshold) 
    n = n+1;
    C = C_maker(Xold,W); 
    e = e_maker(Xold,Y,W); 
    q = C\e;
    if n > 1,q = (q + oldq)/2; end %damps oscillations 
    oldq = q;
    delta_t = [q(4) q(5) q(6)]';
    delta_theta = [1 -q(3) q(2); q(3) 1 -q(1); -q(2) q(1) 1]; 
    [U,Lambda,V] = svd(delta_theta); 
    delta_R = U*V';
    R = delta_R*R; % update rotation 
    t = delta_R*t+delta_t; % update translation 
    Xnew = R*X+repmat(t,1,N); % update moving points 
    config_change = sqrt(sum(sum((Xnew-Xold).^2))/... 
    Xold = Xnew; 
for ii = 1:N
    D = W(:,:,ii)*(Xnew(:,ii)-Y(:,ii)); FRE(ii) = D'*D;
FRE = sqrt(mean(FRE)); 

function C = C_maker(X,W)
W1 = W(:,1,:); W2 = W(:,2,:); W3 = W(:,3,:); 
X1 = X(1,:); X2 = X(2,:); X3 = X(3,:);
X = reshape([repmat(X1,3,1);repmat(X2,3,1);repmat(X3,3,1)],size(W)); 
X1 = X(:,1,:); X2 = X(:,2,:); X3 = X(:,3,:); 
C = [-W2.*X3+W3.*X2, +W1.*X3-W3.*X1, -W1.*X2+W2.*X1, W1, W2, W3]; 
C = permute(C,[1,3,2]); 
C = reshape(C,[],6);

function e = e_maker(X,Y,W)
W1 = W(:,1,:); W2 = W(:,2,:); W3 = W(:,3,:); D = Y-X;
D1 = D(1,:); D2 = D(2,:); D3 = D(3,:);
D = reshape([repmat(D1,3,1);repmat(D2,3,1);repmat(D3,3,1)],size(W)); 
D1 = D(:,1,:); D2 = D(:,2,:); D3 = D(:,3,:); 
e = [W1.*D1 + W2.*D2 + W3.*D3]; e = e(:);

function [R, t, FRE] = point_register(X, Y)
% This function performs point-based rigid body registration with equal 
% weighting for all fiducials. It returns a rotation matrix, translation 
% vector and the FRE. 
if nargin < 2
    error('At least two input arguments are required.');
[Ncoords Npoints] = size(X);
[Ncoords_Y Npoints_Y] = size(Y); 
if Ncoords ~= 3 | Ncoords_Y ~= 3
    error('Each argument must have exactly three rows.') 
elseif (Ncoords ~= Ncoords_Y) | (Npoints ~= Npoints_Y) 
    error('X and Y must have the same number of columns.'); 
elseif Npoints < 3
    error('X and Y must each have 3 or more columns.'); 
Xbar = mean(X,2); % X centroid 
Ybar = mean(Y,2); % Y centroid
Xtilde = X-repmat(Xbar,1,Npoints); % X relative to centroid 
Ytilde = Y-repmat(Ybar,1,Npoints); % Y relative to centroid 
H = Xtilde*Ytilde'; % cross covariance matrix 
[U S V] = svd(H); % U*S*V' = H 
R = V*diag([1, 1, det(V*U)])*U'; 
t = Ybar - R*Xbar;
FREvect = R*X + repmat(t,1,Npoints) - Y; 
FRE = sqrt(mean(sum(FREvect.^2,1)));

Please note that the sub-function point_register(X,Y) solves the rigid registration (rotation + translation) akin to my code here.


[1] Balachandran, R., & Fitzpatrick, J. M. (2009). Iterative solution for rigid-body point-based registration with anisotropic weighting. In M. I. Miga & K. H. Wong (Eds.), Proc. SPIE 7261, Medical Imaging 2009: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling (p. 72613D). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.813887